Ramadan was a special time for the director Hanung Bramantyo (33 years old). On the night of the 23 Ramadan, on Monday (14 / 9), he married the artist Zaskia Adya Mecca (22 years old).
Initially, Hanung said, he only meant to explore the interpretation of the Qur'an in Ramadan this time. This is done so that he could not run fast like that, that's all. "But then God gave us this gift," said Hanung.
Men are also currently preparing filming Ahmad Dahlan has said it would hold a simple wedding ceremony. "We're going to get married with the Islamic way, a simple, but wearing," said Hanung who invited the orphans at the wedding.
He felt the blessing of Allah SWT is very strong on both the marriage process towards it. If at first marriage, while taking care of the religious court takes up to one week, then the marriage with film star Para Pencari Tuhan (PPT) 3 is only one day.
Hanung see this second marriage is the second chance given by God Almighty to improve personal life fall apart in the last four years.

Muhammadiyah chairman, Din Syamsuddin, this evening to witness the marriage between the director Hanung Bramantyo Anugroho with movie players Zaskia Adya Mecca.
Attaqwa Mosque, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Monday (14/9/2009), Din arrived at approximately 21:20 pm and immediately assaulted the family of the bride.
Approximately five minutes ago, Hanung arrived dressed all in white, good clothes, pants, until cap. Hanung arrival was greeted by chanting Shalawat Badr study group from Al Bina. Hanung went inside and sat at the table ceremony.
Increasingly crowded atmosphere when Zaskia arrived at the scene. Perfect makeup comes in white transparent dress made Zaskia Adya Mecca seems beautiful.
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