Ahmad Dhani recognition a few days ago that his wife has a new, long berbuntut. An entertainment tabloids show photo of a woman who have been used as the wife of Ahmad Dhani series.
Woman mentioned named Yuni, 28, former wife of a weekly sports journalist. Sigit Nugroho, former husband Yuni, Yuni said woman is actually a normal life becomes very simple for them.
"He began to change since split with me," said Sigit commentator who often become the football in a number of TV stations.
To Surya, Wednesday (19 / 8), Sigit said, actually cerainya with the process is not complete because Yuni still awaiting decision from the Supreme Court of cassation (MA).
Sigit confess, Yuni himself and have the same share of households that split them up since the 2001. "But he asks for a divorce with the firm. As the future holds, "men's supplement is 43 years old.
Made, relatives said that Dhani Yuni Yuni-series have been married at the end of 2008 ago. "Options Dhani widow who fell in the section. Very natural beauty. Yuni divorced from her husband and he wanted to build household with Dhani which is considered responsible enough and can be a priest, "said the source was quoted as from the tabloidnova.com.
Attitudes and responsibilities Dhani, write tabloidnova.com, not only of how to treat Yuni Dhani, Dhani but also attention to the two children of the marriage terdahulunya Yuni. Second child was Ola, 5, and Ole, 7.
"Indeed, children kept by his father, but if long Yuni could meet them."
Other forms of attention, said the relatives still, Dhani have Yuni's house in a housing complex in Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta. Also a Honda Jazz car.
Another source says, Yuni does not live in a house in Pondok Indah Dhani. "But he often visited back and forth Dhani. Yuni also already familiar with the children Dhani, namely Al, El, and dul. They always greet with Yuni call `Mother`. Yuni only occasionally, and sometimes stay overnight and Dhani invited to go to a concert outside the city. "
However, Samsul Huda, a solicitor at the same time manager of news refuse Dhani. He said, the name was never known Yuni by Ahmad Dhani. Moreover, to meet and love them also knit at home in the area Dhani Pinang Mas, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.
(SURYA Online)
Woman mentioned named Yuni, 28, former wife of a weekly sports journalist. Sigit Nugroho, former husband Yuni, Yuni said woman is actually a normal life becomes very simple for them.
"He began to change since split with me," said Sigit commentator who often become the football in a number of TV stations.
To Surya, Wednesday (19 / 8), Sigit said, actually cerainya with the process is not complete because Yuni still awaiting decision from the Supreme Court of cassation (MA).
Sigit confess, Yuni himself and have the same share of households that split them up since the 2001. "But he asks for a divorce with the firm. As the future holds, "men's supplement is 43 years old.
Made, relatives said that Dhani Yuni Yuni-series have been married at the end of 2008 ago. "Options Dhani widow who fell in the section. Very natural beauty. Yuni divorced from her husband and he wanted to build household with Dhani which is considered responsible enough and can be a priest, "said the source was quoted as from the tabloidnova.com.
Attitudes and responsibilities Dhani, write tabloidnova.com, not only of how to treat Yuni Dhani, Dhani but also attention to the two children of the marriage terdahulunya Yuni. Second child was Ola, 5, and Ole, 7.
"Indeed, children kept by his father, but if long Yuni could meet them."
Other forms of attention, said the relatives still, Dhani have Yuni's house in a housing complex in Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta. Also a Honda Jazz car.
Another source says, Yuni does not live in a house in Pondok Indah Dhani. "But he often visited back and forth Dhani. Yuni also already familiar with the children Dhani, namely Al, El, and dul. They always greet with Yuni call `Mother`. Yuni only occasionally, and sometimes stay overnight and Dhani invited to go to a concert outside the city. "
However, Samsul Huda, a solicitor at the same time manager of news refuse Dhani. He said, the name was never known Yuni by Ahmad Dhani. Moreover, to meet and love them also knit at home in the area Dhani Pinang Mas, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.
(SURYA Online)
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