The police are expected to be objective in handling the murder case of the Director of PT Rajawali Putra Banjaran (PRB) Nasruddin Zulkarnaen, allegedly involving the Chairman of the KPK non-active, Antasari Azhar.
Investigations and investigations of these cases is also not expected to disrupt the work KPK institutions. "We are very concerned and very surprised. But any way, the law must still be running. Police must be objective in the investigations and of investigation," said member of the Law Commission (Commission III) DPR to Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Saturday (2 / 5 ).
He also reminded not to judgment against Antasari, before the official concerned to provide information to the police.
The plan, Antasari akan meet to call the police to give testimony on Monday next week. "Let's give it enough time on law enforcement, until finally known what connection Antasari and that case. If proven correct (involved), then get the appropriate sanctions law," he said.
Antasari on deactivation as the Chairman of KPK, Lukman confess to still study on the basis of legal action. As known, the meeting KPK leaders have decided to disable Antasari that former officials in the Kejagung can concentrate complete problem.
Based on the information presented of the attorney general, Antasari has been defined as a suspect in the murder case because the role is the brain behind the murder was planned.
Investigations and investigations of these cases is also not expected to disrupt the work KPK institutions. "We are very concerned and very surprised. But any way, the law must still be running. Police must be objective in the investigations and of investigation," said member of the Law Commission (Commission III) DPR to Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, Saturday (2 / 5 ).
He also reminded not to judgment against Antasari, before the official concerned to provide information to the police.
The plan, Antasari akan meet to call the police to give testimony on Monday next week. "Let's give it enough time on law enforcement, until finally known what connection Antasari and that case. If proven correct (involved), then get the appropriate sanctions law," he said.
Antasari on deactivation as the Chairman of KPK, Lukman confess to still study on the basis of legal action. As known, the meeting KPK leaders have decided to disable Antasari that former officials in the Kejagung can concentrate complete problem.
Based on the information presented of the attorney general, Antasari has been defined as a suspect in the murder case because the role is the brain behind the murder was planned.

Foto Mesra Hot Rani Juliani and Antasari Azhar was outspread everywhere.Rani Juliani and Antasari azhar Foto Mesra Hot was appear because the death of Nasrudin Zulkarnaen,a director of PT.Putra Rajawali Banjaran that involve Antasari Azhar.Nasrudin Zulkarnaen is a businessman that have many property.Then,WHO RANI JULIANI?? Rani Juliani is a student in STMIK Raharja and she is also work as CADDY GIRL in Padang Golf Modern Land,Tangerang,Banten. Antasari Azhar,Rani Juliani,Nasrudin Zulkarnaen was trapped in love triangle.Nasrudin and Rani Juliani was married.Before Nasrudin died,Antasari meet Rani Juliani in Room 808,Grand Mahakam Hotel.
"I wasn't involved in murder Nasrudin Zulkarnaen.This is just a trapen for me".Antasari says when interview in housing Giriloka,Tangerang.
"I wasn't involved in murder Nasrudin Zulkarnaen.This is just a trapen for me".Antasari says when interview in housing Giriloka,Tangerang.
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