Friday, May 29, 2009


my 7th award from Ditty, makasi yah.

  1. Post the award asap
  2. Tag the award to people as many as you like
  3. Mention 5 of your fav blogs with the reason
  4. Mention the person who gives you this award
2. i want to tagg..
Little miss day dream
Shida Aruya
Dwi Amtisari

3. my fav blog..
ahh semuanya favorite kokk. i can't choose to top 5, they're all the cutest xD

4. Ditty, yah si dityymizzlizzy my new friend from bloggers that kind enough to tag me awards.
& she's a beatlemania. xD ♥♥

♥ Proses Pasang BEHEL

Alhamdulillah pemasangan behel udah dijalani.
Alhamdulillah gue gak ngerasa sakit apapunn.. prosesnya cepet.
pertama-tama gue di bersihin dulu karang giginya..
terus gigi kelinci depan gue kan ada yg patah & bengkok sedikit, yg itu di tambal ama dokternya biar rataa gigi gue.
abis itu mulai deh dipasangin kawat, tadinya gue mau yg warna baby pink cuman tipe behel gue kan yg crystal safire jadi kawatnya dasarnya bahan transparan, soo gue ganti warna yg shocking pink aja supaya 'keliatan' warnanya. hehee. xD

pokoknya gue bersyukur bgt prosesnya gak sakit sama sekali, dari awal sampai akhir aman.
sariawan juga Alhamdulillah sama sekali gak ada.
tapi proses pemasangan behel buat gigi bawah gue bisanya minggu depan karena pas dibersihin karang giginya gigi gue meradang.. darah kga berhenti2. jadi musti nunggu seminggu.
gakpapa.. dehh.

gigi gue tambah monyong nee~
mudah2an hasilnya giginya cepet masuk biar pede lagi. hehee. ♥♥


Nikita Willy was born in Jakarta, June 29, 1994.She is one of popular actess inIndonesia. Nikita Willy started his career in the entertainment world Indonesia since the age of 7 years through patron Moon Stars. Nikita Willy start name known to the public, when the Roman role in the patron would with actors Evan Sanders.
Best Friend (2008)
Milton, Citra Body Lotion, Pigeon cosmetics, Choki-Choki, Total Detergent, Holland Bakery, Bank BNI,Bank BII and Roma chocolate wafer.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hot Photos Sandra Dewi was outspread in Internet.Sandra Dewi, one of the hottest newcomer actress in Indonesia, has made some sexy pictures for the FHM magazine. Sandra Dewi is more sexy than usual when you look at those sexy pictures below. Those lips and his sexy body has drive most of people crazy about her sexuality. This is the hottest girl in Indonesia at this moment.
Sandra Dewi was born on August 18th,1983.Sandra Dewi which bleeds palembang, chinese, sundanese, and dutch begins to decide total at entertaiment world since become champion of two fun fearless female magazine cosmopolitan 2006.


Donita Hot Photos was outspread in Internet.Donita is one of the hot Indonesian Artist. She's fullname is Noni Annisa Ramadhani. She had been born on February 24, 1989 in Bandung, the capital of Java Westerner.
Donita began its temporary career when she played in FTV Dewa Asmara. Then in 2007, Donita became more famous beam it in action Cinta Fitri , one of the exposure of TV which has a good estimate.
She plays with Shireen Sungkar and Teuku Wisnu and she acts as Mozza, a woman independent of beautiful individual in this film. Donita also plays in film. One of its film is Suster Ngesot. Suster Ngesot is a film of horror.


Sherina Munaf often accept negative gossip.Previously,she is considered as smoker girl and now Sherina Munaf is suspected raped by Derby Romero,Indonesian artist singer.Hot Photos Sherina Munaf was outspread in Internet.
Sherina Munaf raped by Derby Romero? The defamation has emerged on Internet and covered by infotainment. Sherina release an interesting blog entry in her blog in response to rumors about ravishment:

To the creative rumor starter; you have freakin piss the head out of me however may God forgive you for causing all this commotion. You could've put your creative mind for other uses. To the media, thanks for giving me the chance to clarify everything. No thanks, for chasing my Mom down to PIM. No thanks for disturbing my family. My career has nothing to do with them and the risks are not theirs to handle. It is mine to handle. And, oh, don't be such drama queens for elongating matters that have NEVER HAPPENED to begin with. So not cool. If you speculate that I'm the mastermind behind all this for the sake of sensation for my next album, you are terribly wrong. Why would I risk my name for sensation. It's a matter of rape and dignity. The past months I've tried my best to avoid any gossips (even 'dating gossips' to start simple) because I want my album launch to be the focus. I wouldn't appreciate the moment when others give out questions surrounding rumors during the session. So it's really unfortunate that this ridiculously false rumor appear around this time.

Claudia Ciesla picture gallery

Claudia Ciesla is a German model, actress, and singer of Polish descent. She was born in Wodzislaw slaski, Poland. Her father is Polish and her mother is German. She started modelling at the age of 15.

Name: Claudia Ciesla
Birth Place: woodzislaw slaski, Poland
Measurements: 32DD 38-26-37 in (98-64-96 cm)
Height: 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m)
Eye colour: Blue-Green
Hair colour: Dark-Blond
Ethnicity: German/Polish

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Claudia Ciesla in bikini

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Claudia Ciesla swimsuit picture

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


rencananya Jumat ini atau BESOK gue mau pasang
behel atau braces.
sebenernya udah diniatin dari dulu cuman baru sempet sekarang sekalian mumpung liburan sebulan.
udah cek & bikin jadwal ke dokternya kemaren. gue di Klinik Dental Estetika Bintaro di sektor 9. kebetulan deket rumah gue jadi sekalian aja.
rencananya gue mau pasang yg jenis
Crystal Safire, karena bisa diwarnain gue maunya warna baby pink. hahaa.

prosesnya sih katanya..

  1. giginya di rontgen di RS Intl Bintaro.. udh barusan gue kesana bayar Rp.350rb 2x foto.
  2. terus besok dicetak giginya
  3. selanjutnya diliat ada gigi yg mau dicabut gak. kalo ada ya cabut dulu.
  4. truss dibius dengan disuntik boo & baru deh dipasang kawat2nya.. udah lengkap baru ditarik. (katanya proses yg ini sakit bgt yahh?)
gue sebenernya takut bgt..
tapi karena demi kecantikan & kerapihan gigi gue, gue niatin ajaa lahh.
bagi yg udah pasang behel, gue minta info & saran2nya dongg..
sakit gak sih waktu prosesnya, pas nyuntiknya sakit gakk?
terus abis dipasang kerasa gimana?
pokoknya cerita yahh bagi2 pengalaman, pls pls.
soalnya gue mau
nyiapin mental dari sekarang2. biar gak kaget pas hari H nya.


oh yaa karna besok pemasangan behel dimulai jam 9 pagi, jadi gue minta doanya dari kalian semua. semoga pemasangan behel di gigi risya berjalan lancar, baik2 aja, dan sakitnya gak seberapa sakit. AMIN RAKBAL ALAMIN. ♥♥



Foto Hot Lena Magdalena was outspread in internet.Lena Magdalena focus self as presenter and hope to headline wide sail film. while wait the acting, we can watching the beauty moment present program Chat Mate di O Channel.Begins from her hobby follow dance competition with her friends during school formerly, Lena Magdalena then leered by Starmild to be presenter Crash Bone tv program.Afterward this woman begins to jump down to comfort world and several advertisements he has starred.

Lena Magdalena always loyal will accompany beholder at program Chat Mate di O Channel television, on water at area Jakarta and vini city. but beholder can not watch chatmate program comforted and be cured the yearning at another private television program. Lena Magdalena is presenter of infotainment program
" all this by accident and obvious i like this job, " this beautiful knotty pretty woman word. to to in front of it, Lena Magdalena focus self as presenter and hope to headline wide sail film. while wait the acting, we can watching the beauty moment present program Chat Mate di O Channel.

Presenter Magdalena (24) was selected as most sexy women in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in a world-class, he became the third woman rseksi after movie stars Transformers, Megan Fox, Kelley and Hazel, the English origin. Election is announced by the magazine For Him Magazine (FHM) Indonesia in August 2008 edition. Years ago, most women's section of the third version of a special magazine that was given to adult actress Luna Maya (25).

According to Lena, the image is in the FHM Indonesia was taken in April 2007. When Lena was willing to appear in the image because a model with two other women. He would like the photos with the magazine is classified into a world-class mass media. After the photo, Lena does not receive the bid session shooting again, both for FHM magazine and other adult men. Some months later after the shooting, a former presenter "There Gossip" is selected as the women to the 72-most section of the world.


Hot Photos Mey Chan was outspread in internet.Mey Chan is New Maia Partner after Pinkan Mambo and Mulan Kwok
You might be know that Mey Chan singer were spotted passionately kissing a mystery man.Mey Chan is a good kisser and so does Rizky. I have a suggestion for her,maybe somewhere someday Mey Chan should kiss a popular artist .And it will be a great show and also both of them will be get multiple hot kiss.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Velove is student at SMU Global Jaya and she loves traveling and reading. “Education is principal and acting is just variation, I want to be like my mom being a successful businesswoman. And I will study at Canada after graduate from high school” She said to tabloid journalist. Recently, Velove reported close to Raffi Ahmad.


I would like to write something really smart and funny, but I am too tired. I am really! I spent the whole day at University, and imagine, at every single course I felt like the class' biggest blundering and born fool. This just can't be! I mean, I am not a stupid girl! But on the other hand, why are these docents treating me like a fool? Especially one of them.. It kind of annoys and angers me.

Back to music and my (still not finished) book. Thanks to Angie for the great music!


According the news,Pasha and Alyssa have a special relationship.But at the same time,both of them confute that news.They tell that their relationship are just friend,job relationship.

"Alyssa and me have no special relationship. We just frtiend, for the sake of a video clip, "Pasha said at that time.
Alyssa also confute herself together with the three childless widower. "Pasha and me are free. For only the clip, "Alyssa strictly steady.

Actually,Pasha and alyssa are a harmonious pair.both of them have a handsome and beautiful face.They are also have a good body.That's because they are always do a routine sport.Pasha often does fitness in fitness center.He also often play football to maintain the healthy.While Alyssa always jogging in the morning.She also always eat nutritious food and supplement food to keep her healthy.And the most important, both of them do a routine healthy check in the hospital.


Hot Photos of Bunga Citra Lestari was outspread in Internet.Sunny song, is a soundtrack of Cinta Pertama movie, suddenly make Bunga Citra Lestari increasingly popular. Song Dewiq creation is make Bunga Citra Lestari dream become a singer Interest accrued.
Bunga Citra Lestari is top Indonesia’s sweetheart who always becomes most wanted gossip. Her love story with ASHRAF SINCLAIR (Malaysian actor) commented by medias in Indonesia and Malaysia. Moreover her hot intimate and sensuous French kiss in bikini with ASHRAF has revealed. And this is their hot photos..

The pomp wedding of Bunga Citra Lestari and Ashraf, (9 / 11) still show. both aircraft use private aircraft to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, through the Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport, Jakarta.

This second trip to the neighbor nation to celebrate the feast with the family pernikahannya Ashraf.

In addition to this spectacular pair, also participate in this private plane, family Ashraf.

"We are private plane accident because this wedding gift from our friend papa," said BCL found at the Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport, Jakarta, told journalists on Wednesday (12/11).

BCL and Ashraf leave the plane, private, 'take off' at 11.00 WIB.

After 2 in the large with the cost that is not in the 2 and a little more to be held, Bunga and sparkling Ashraf complete with a luxury private plane that will take them home village to visit Malaysia. Celebrity couples are also a pair of this new departure via Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport, Jakarta with some friends and family. Truly a comfort berbalut luxury.

Luxurious wedding reception Bunga Citra Lestari and Ashraff Sinclair akan held 14-15 November 2008 in Malaysia. Two themes that carried (British and Malay) as if to complete the story of love and Bunga Ashraf. Beautiful gift that is not forgotten. With the family background as billionaire Ashraf, weddings can be magnificent still waiting to be passed Bunga and Ashraf. Weddings designed as a surprise Ashraf's family in Kuala Lumpur.

Monday, May 25, 2009


got another award from Onic, thankss darll ~

this is my 6th award. xD
the childhood award.

the rules is to share your childhood memory about your childhood toy(s).


i had a lot of different toys when i was a child, but my top 3 was..
  1. Barbie Dolls
  2. Polly Pocket Toys
  3. & Sailormoon Cards
Barbie, i am sure a lot of youu had loved this doll or even still loving it untill now. I do still like barbie until now, but not as much as i used to when i was a child. I liked to play dress up & pretend that i was as pretty as barbie when i was a child. xD

Polly Pocket, this toy was really fun back in the day. i can decorate of the house, playing drama stories about the charather in the polly pocket house, etc. It felt like i was in a glamour life even though i was just a child.. xD

Sailormoon Collectible Cards, i was soo veryy totally in love with Sailormoon. I watched every single episode of the series, i remember the line when the sailormoon transformed into heroes, well i was pretty much obsessed with them. I still watch it even until now, i own every single episode in my laptop. xD i have every single collection cards from sailormoon, even until now. I think it's still there somewhere in my room.. ♥♥


foto ciuman CINTA LAURA

Cinta Laura, apparently, is back on the dating saddle again as she reportedly has been caught kissing a western young boy, who is widely believed to be her new boyfriend. Cinta Laura and the new boy's pictures has been circulated widely over the Internet this week.

After so long hidden, the Cinta Laura frankly a matter of relationship with David Richard. He was already half a year that a relationship of love with a man who is also classmate at the Jakarta International School, Indonesia Travel.

Artist Cinta Laura with her confidence. she said, there is many mans telling her look like Hollywood artist Angelina Jolie (actually i don't think so). But, she never bothered people word.

"Initially I do not have any feelings. Nothing special. In our class kayaking friend ordinary. Kenal After eight weeks we start a new deket, precisely in December, holiday pas. We chat, facebook, new deket us," I. He confessed to the match as David have some similarities, among them equally concerned with education.

"He was the same as me, very concerned with education. So he made education is still important and a priority. So if we are busy for the affairs of our schools will not be met. And we understand each other," says the artist who has this album OH BABY.


Cinta Laura is a girl of model and sinetron star's Indonesia. The birth of Quakenbruck, Germany, August 17, 1993. Celebrity who has a complete name Cinta Laura Kiehl this, started her career in entertainment world as a finalist Indonesian Top Model 2006.

One of the jury selection event is Sanjay Maulani, a casting director of MD Entertainment. Cinta is directly gets a job bid become a star's sinetron. Daughter pair from Michael Kiehl and Herdiana, SH ultimately accept this bid to be player star in the sinetron Cinderella by MD Entertainment Production.

Uniquely, the first four months, Cinta rather shooting but get the Indonesian language course, plus akting exercise. What's known, she is large in many countries where the task her father as General Manager of Grand Hyatt Hotel. Sinetron Cinderella that introduce her to people of Indonesia. Until finally, she gets the award "SCTV Awards Ngetop Actress category" in 2007. In that event she beat the competitors, among other Marshanda, Shireen Sungkar, and Nia Ramadhani. Cinta has a height 170 cm and weight 44 kg is also busy with activities to teach English to children less well.