Bless my bark! I just read an article about a Kazach lady , who is none less than 130 years old! Can you picture and handle that?! I barely can! 130 years old means, that she survived Two World Wars, a bunch of other significant wars, she saw the rise and (luckily) fall of comunism, she lived in the times of Stalin, Hitler, Andy Warhol, Bob Marley, Einstein and Ghandi. She saw Martin Luther King and Kennedy being shot. She survived the old good glamorous Hollywood ( Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Marylin Monroe etc..). She saw things being invented and developed like none of us ever has (car, telephone etc)...And no she arrived at "our" times... this is incredible! This totally freaks me out (in a positive way that is!). If you wish to become as old as this fascinating person, you better stop eating sweets, taking pills and paying visits to the doctor. Smile more often, eat Kurt (something similar to Ayran), wh

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