Sunday, April 5, 2009

I am under attack!!!

Just imagine, yesterday after hitting the town for a few moments , I came back and there were Chinese people sitting in our kitchen, four of them. I am cursed, ha ha. They were cooking something that looked like a hamster. It scared me a bit, I am lucky to be a vegetarian though, otherwise I'd been obliged to try it . Mmmh.
Now I am following my self- set daily duty of catching up with the news. This is THE headline for sure. Incredible. Are there any sanctions left for them? I guess this is why sometimes I prefer gossip over news. Gossip never makes me hit the roof or nervous or worried. It mostly makes me laugh. Maybe it is wiser indeed to stick to newspapers a la "Bild", or "The Sun"?! For your health condition I mean, obviously?! Otherwise I'd wake probably up in some other, retarded reality. Sucks!

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