Friday, December 26, 2008

My stomache collapses every now and then on Xmas...

...when I am thinking about food alone, I feel slightly sick. My boyfriend told me, he feels the same way when picturing fish etc. I am so tired, it was a very intense few days, plus I forgot that all shops are closed today- meaning, my Mommy will have to buy me the coat I have been dreaming off for days. I just hope she picks the right one ;-).

Apart from that, spent Boxing Day with my Dad's family and than with Mommy, Darek, Neighbours, Uncle and Aunt and of Hunk.
It was great!

Loads of (Christmas-)Love!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A very merry Christmas....

I wish you all a very merry Christmas.
Have a wonderful few days with your families
and beloved ones!

gëzuar Krishtlindja, sretan Božić, весела коледа, veselé Vánoce, glædelig jul, vrolijk Kerstfeest, gojan Kristnaskon, hyvää joulua, joyeux Noël, fröhliche Weihnachten, kala xristougenna, mele Kalikimaka, boldog Karácsonyt, gleðileg jól, buon Natale, seun-tan chu-ka-hae-yo, felix dies Nativitatis, priecīgus Ziemassvētkus, su Kaledoms, schéi Chrëschtdeeg, sreken Bozik, god jul, Wesołych Świąt, feliz Natal, baxtalo Krečuno, un Crăciun fericit, Срећан Божић, vesele vianoce, vesele božične praznike, god jul, Noeliniz kutlu olsun, Z Rizdvom Hrystovym, Nadolig llawen !!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Half dead, and half alive...

Was at the hair-dresser's, shopping, had my nails done, shopping,
doing some sightseeing, shopping, showing my Love around, shopping.
I am so much cheesed off. Even though I am on the verge of losing all my vital powers,
I am happy.
And I am gonna buy that creamy coat.
I HAVE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ich bin endlich in Polen....

Finally :). Managed to survive my voyage til Polen, mainly thanks to my Love! He is here with me, and you cannot imagine, how much that means to me! It makes me ptobably the happiest person on earth! We already once hit the town and had it cosy at home. Tomorrow we are again out and about in Wrocław-City, I want to show him a bit around.
As for now he shows incredible resistance- when it comes to my family.
Adorable :P.

I am so much lookign forward to the 23rd.
- Time for a new cut!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First exam done! ;-)

Done, done , done! It was so freakin' difficult. But the relief you sense afterwards is simply priceless. I am so glad. Now I can really concentrate on getting ready for my voyage! I have to buy a few things, do the laundry (ahhhhh good that I reminded myself, I have to put the dryer on!!!ta!).
Okay I am back. It's done.

I will have to sit a second exam in this very subject, but this time I want to do it really properly. And because of that I decided to write everything down, so I can directly start learning.
I hope I keep to that...

I still have to:
- buy some presents
- buy a new bag (for luggage, my old one's dead)
- do laundry
- get all my university stuff together
- write a few profs' an e-mail
- make a list of things to take with me ;)

Okay back to imperare !

Monday, December 15, 2008

I had a dream....

... I dreamt about my dog. I was standing on some path and Snoopy was running towards me. All I thought in that moment was, Thanks God, he is still so lively and healthy. Even though he seemed so happy it was a sad dream. I suppose because this will never happen again. It wasn't easy to get up after such a dream :(.


Did you hear about the new Russian Party called "Solidarnost"?!? I guess every single Polish citizen heard the bells ringing :), at least I did. Chairman is naturalmente Garri Kasparov (who else?!), who also organised an inauguration last Saturday. Or he tried, since the rally was denied by Russian police (....) . Actually none really arrived at the meeting place, since police detained more than 90 people on their ways there, and the rest was simply scared away.
I have always appreciated and respected people like Kasparov ( people may know him as from former times, when he used to be the world's best chess player) and Limanov ( he is the founder of another opposition party), who have been fighting a war beyond recovery against the Russian juggernaut. Their determination is worth admiring!
I am sitting my first exam tomorrow, and decided to start learning for it. I suppose getting hold of the right part of the stick could be of advantage. This T
hursday I am heading home with my Boyfriend, who was waiting for two weeks or more for me to ask him, if he wanted to join me. I am an idiot indeed. I felt so sorry when he told me that ;o . We just bought the tickets ( "regards" to the German Railways for the loss of reality they are suffering from... I am asking myself, how an average citizen is supposed to cover THESE costs?!).

Last weekend we were busy, since my boyfriend's corporation held their annual christmas meeting (in German it's called "Weihnachtskneipe"). At such an event all the older members are coming and they're celebrating xmas by....drinking incredible amounts of beer. 3 days long. Even though I once considered myself as a strong drinker (auf gut Deutsch- Kampsaeufer), this still gives me the creeps (though I am more or less getting used to it). Anyaways, we have survived it and now I am off, listening to Tracy Chapman ("Talking about a revolution" - amazing song!) and STUDYING! (devo imperare!).
Warm hugs (it's the 15th already!).


Thursday, December 11, 2008

When my Mom goes into town...

...she meets people, the Dalai Lama for instance. Yesterday, some time after midday.
My Mommy's on a shopping spree in the very city centre.
And who crosses her way?!
The Dalai Lama, who just had had lunch in Wrocław.
She waved at him, and he waved back.
This is plain mad!

Whom did I meet?!
My annoyed professors...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Yaaaaawn...Yaaaaaawny Yawn

and Impressive

I am on the verge of passing out. Climate change does indeed affect me. And do not tell me I am t
alking / writing nonsense . It's the truth. I have been feeling dizzy and weak for three days at least. And my head aches. Usually I do not have them. It doesn't even feel like winter outdoors, but a thing between autumn and spring, with some cold breezes from time to time.
Sitting in our studying room, reading Oscar Wilde's "Lady Windermere's Fan" for Literature classes. I most honestly admitt, that I was quite annoyed at the beginning (or with the vision of reading it), but I must say it is indeed a very good play. I have never been much into Wilde, had once a liasion with "The Picture of Dorian Grey" and that's it.
I guess I am even gonna read the whole play at once, and not only the first act we had set as homework. Than I am gonna read some...many pages in my Norwegian Course Book, which is the best I ever had (even compared to other languages). It is simply interesting. It tells you everything about Norway, the Society, History, Geography, Politics etc. That kind of book really does attract me! I used to put away my course books, since they were dull and I prefered to learn on an individual line. Wasn't bad, but it did not always cover the material the teacher wanted us to do. Egal.
And there is no end in sight. I have to write two papers for one Course! One for the lecture- around five pages (possible to mae it) and the second one- about 20 pages (!). Hello there, I am a Bachelor Student, and NOT writing my Seminar Thesis! Both topics are more or less dull. Though the second one (luckily), the 20-pages-monster is about Africa, marked as the "black" continent, left alone and about journalism. I opted to write about the massacre in Srebrenica, since I already had the complete list in my head (books and articles) or about Chechenya. But since we have to do it in groups, and no one was eager to join my ambitious plans, I was left alone and had to join the Africans :(. Not that I am not into it- I am ! But I am so much interested in the Balkans and Chechenya, I guess my papers could be far better! Well next time I s'pose!
Watched a fantastic movie on Friday when being with my Lurve at his parents' house. It was Norwegian, in German "Die Tote am See". It reminded me at once that in my Videothek des Vertrauens ( you simply can't translate that into English, so it makes sense- it's simply my fave place to borrow dvd's), there must still be at least 5 Wallander movies I haven't seen. So I went there yesterday and took home the only movie I had already seen.

This is so much me.

Today is a new try.
But first I am gonna finish my homework.
Loads of hugs!

I am gonna try out to bake Finnish bun's- they are called "Pulla" and there is hardly anything as tasty!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Den førsten .....

Today is the first of December, most importantly my dog's birthday. He would had turned 12 today. Twelve years. But he won't. He won't ever turn 13 or 14 or even 15 years old. My Love lit a candle for him. I am so sad. I miss him, more and more with every day that passes by. I am thinking so very often about Snoopy. People do not understand. They just don't see it. And I can't make out, why people think so. Even now, writing I am crying, because I feel such pain in my heart. I spent 11 wonderful years with him. I know nothing lasts forever, but this is something I still cannot accept.