It's a
Saturday. I had the choice between staying in bed to revise / study a bit, to go out of town or to join my Heart at a
corporations' feast. I have chosen the last one, combined with some studying though. I may join him later, after having done some more useful stuff.
Being honest, I always thought
corporations are only to be found in the
USA ( often a topic in high school / college movies), and they are all called
alpha, beta , omega or
delta. I was so wrong! You may found some first origins in the United States, but the real corporations were found in
Europe, and they enjoy a very long academic tradition. Though many things, shown in the movies are completely wrong, believe me- they are really drinking like hell.
I have once mentioned, my boyfriend's being a member of such a group of "young and dynamic" structure. Even though none of these words really apply to the rest of my boyfriends' group, sometimes it's kinda fun to join them in their festivities.
Additionally I have a lot of friends in other fraternities / corporations, and thanks to that, you somehow manage to keep in touch with ' em guys, since they are all living in the same place, so it's much easier to find them alltogether.
first week at
university's behind me, and I am happy to have survived it. I am slightly pissed to be honest, and hope this trend doesn't keep up.
What more can I say?!
Nothing interesting, really!
I will take a shower, and get ready soon!