..I just browsed my blog, went back in time. It's really interesting. I cannot believe I wrote all these things :). It's kinda sweet to be honest! Some things made me laugh, some things were like as if some one warmed my heart, and some also made me cry. I am listening to Gianna Nannini now, Notti senza Cuore. It's the song I was listening to all the time, after Snoopy died. I was laying in my Love's bed, listening to it all the time , crying. I went back and saw how the love between my Hunk and me developed, what bothered and touched me in the last year. And I have also seen myself changing!
I used to write much more about tennis for instance! Like I posted interviews and so on. Now I am only dealing with the results! Buh! Besides- Roger faces Rafa Nadal in the AO finals and Serena slaughtered Dinara and is champ again!
Watched Bayern vs. HSV yesterday. And guess who DID NOT win??? FCB FCB FCB muhahaha. Maybe they aren't as bad as Internazionale, but I still hate them guys.
Anyways, this were some tiny pieces of my reflections about the last year!
Stay tunned ;)