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I know, I am. I can't help it. I just have so many things on my mind and to do. And there is this annoying thing called university. To be honest, only some 30 per cent are fun - the rest totally point- and useless. Politics, Grammar and Translation are fine, since the profs are pretty funny and involved into our education, they heart students! ( .. and they are all foreigners...)Norwegian is fine, but se
ems a bit hard at the moment- and I can only participate in 50 %, since I have a second lecture at the same time ( Introduction to Italian History)... it's a shame, since I love norsk, and we are doing some very important stuff this term. I also intend to frequent Serbian ;-P You know...
The rest is... well dull, I am not the person for these very courses..we shall see. Since I have more or less to take care of my courses I take, I picked Law for the next term ( International Law) and politics of course!
Apart from that I have some pretty difficult days behind me. I had a series of arguments with my flatmate and friends concerning my behaviour, which was according to them (and in some points I do agree) shit. Though to be honest, they exaggerated a lot! They committed the cardinal mistake of comparing me, which is just wrong. I am me, myself and maybe I. But never will I be anyone else. When I love, I love with all my heart. And when I chose to spend my time (or as much as I can)with my hunk, it is because I need and do want it. It's not an easy matter to explain someone what love is, when he or she never really loved with all their hearts.. Anyways, I hope it's solved and sealed forever- since I do not have the nerves and do not want to loose power for something as stupid as this!
My Love finishes (F-I-N-A-L-L-Y) work on Friday morning. This is going to be my lucky day, believe me! Tomorrow is gonna be tough, I am more or less 12 h at University, which sucks a big deal!I have courses in 4 different languages! Last week on that day I was confused, when someone spoke German with me ( I was actually asking myself which language it was...).
We are gonna finally move the last stuff from my flatmate's old home, including a writing desk for me, which is wonderful, since I am done with completing my papers in bed .
Apart from that?! Was at two parties last Saturday- one was dull the second one gorgeous (at my bf's corporation..).
I think this is all for now. I am soooo tired ( getting up at six to get my Love from the station...), I am just gonna finish the book I am reading now ( " Viva Polonia" ) and off to zzzzzz....
...."Ahtisaari is an outstanding international mediator," said Ole Danbolt Mjoes, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. "Through his untiring efforts and good results, he has shown what role mediation of various kinds can play in the resolution of international conflicts."....
More here.
Ahtisaari rescued for example thousands of people from Kosovo.
We have literally Indian Summer here in Germany- try to picture these colours! They are simply amazing! And sunhsine all over the place! All my prayers have been answered. Just came back from a stroll with Seid, who is on his way to work now- night shift.. Just two more weeks, and he is done! Luckily. He was so bored yesterday, that I had to call him around 2 a.m!
Tomorrow I have an English Exam, which is going to test my skills ( I am starting with English Studies as well this term). I really can't wait. As if I didn't have enough exams last term.. You really never get enough...
I also got a mail from a really good friend of mine, I hadn't talked to for ages- so I am simply over the moon (though some other friends are causing trouble, and nothing more than trouble..)
Anyways- I am tired ( the only thing I mastered today was helping my Hunk and his Mommy cooking), just updating my Filofax (it's so gorgeous :P ) and than I am off Zzzzz... ( ha ha my Love is off to work, and I am sleeping in his parent's house :P.....).
Loads of love!
P.S It's getting exciting- got news from Mari (soon to be Mrs. Edhabi), that she and Youssef are getting married on the 17th.... :D . It is a pity I can't be there.. :(
Well at least I can send my thoughts there :).
Folks, never allow me to drink coffee- or anything coffeeish. It makes me sick. My stomache's just celebrating a little party at the moment, which is not really enjoyable. Was out with Assal and Isi (who brought her dog along <3 ) and had two Lattes. Afterwards it is molto disgusting!
Going to Einbeck tomorrow, again with the very first train. I must be really in love, there is no other reason for me to get up this early! But being apart for two days is inhuman! I am still asking myself how on earth it was possible for me to last these two weeks in Poland?! Maybe my Mom set me on drugs, and I just didn't notice?!
Baci, baci!
...and I hate it! The only positive thing is, that I have someone to lean on!That is. Apart from that- enjoying my last free days. Dividing my time between my Love and Friends. Pretty difficult.
Yesterday I bought myself a Filofax, it is so gorgeous! I love it so much. Everyone should have one! Now the three of us (Funda, Assal and me) are running around with their filo's (annoying everyone). The best is, you can order some files online!
I tried to establish some order in my papers and documents yesterday and found some missing account papers. Now I can check, where all my money is ( I have a priori statement concerning that one- H&M for example?!). Anyways, you can read everything on that little papers- who sent you money, whom you sent money to etc. I asked my boyfriend to pay a few Euros into my account while I was in Poland. He did so. And when you do this in Germany, you have to write a purpose of your action. He did so as well . He actually wrote the following (and mind, everyone could read this in the bank ) : " Thank you for the unforgettable night".
Kill him. Kill him!!!!!!!
At least it was a few hundred Euros.....
I am gonna give him a welcome today, he won't forget ;-)
I am off now, before heading out today I am gonna relish some well-earned beauty-treatment!
Peace with you all,